Katy Pokie


Lumber Bruce

Here are a few pictures of Bruce taking down a tree in his backyard in Tahoe.


Construction Update


Bruce was nice enough to send us some pictures of our house going up in Tahoe. The exterior of the first floor seems to be framed. Next time we are up, hopefully some of the second floor will be done as well.

Family Katy Pokie


page meadows

We spent the weekend in Tahoe. Checking on our construction which for this week seems ahead of schedule, but I am sure we will remedy that. Elizabeth’s mother went with us as well as Katy’s friend Olivia. We had a good time. We all went for a walk through Page Meadows. It was beautiful, but it is still just a bit early. It was a little wet and snowy in places. On Monday, Elizabeth met with the contractor and designer while I rode around the lake. The ride around the lake was actually easier than I thought it would be.

Also, we got lucky on this trip. We were there just before the mosquitos were coming out. It had been pretty cold at night and nice during the day, so they were not quite active yet. By the time they left, you could tell that they were just getting started.


Construction Begins (again)

jun construction

Well, we started a couple of weeks late, but it appears that things are going. They should be pouring the floors sometime next week, then the framing starts. Getting up here and seeing it, we are all much more excited. The kids are mostly excited because the thing that is closest to a room so far is the rec room on the bottom floor.

Family Pokie

President’s Weekend

Another long weekend in Tahoe. This time the girls had the week before President’s Day weekend off, so we went up on Wednesday night. Elizabeth skied on Friday morning until she took out a snowboarder and knocked herself unconscious. She got a new helmet. Then Katy and I skied that afternoon and a most of the day on Saturday. I got new Rossi Bandit B2 skis and had a blast skiing better. The kids played in the snow a lot and we had fun staying with the Schwartz’s.

Ayse and Elizabeth knit, so Katy got a new scarf. No photos of that, but Rusty is wearing a new hat and scarf knit by Marcella.

Family Katy Pokie

MLK Weekend

We went back to Tahoe again this weekend. Katy skied both Saturday and Sunday. Elizabeth skied Sunday morning and it turned out it was the only time that it actually snowed and rained all weekend. The kids made a snowman. We introduced Bruce and Zeki to DDR (we got it on video). Margaret had another ski lesson, she rode the chair lift and did well, but isn’t quite ready to ski with us. And Sam still loves the snow. I am trying a new way of putting the pictures out there for your enjoyment. Let me know what you think. Here is the old way and the new way.


One run too many?


On the last run of the day, I got going a little too fast and did a bit
of a face plant. It was a bit icy. Bruce says I was doing ok even
after my ski came off. I didn’t have a problem until I caught the toe
of my boot on the snow. Then I went right over.

Update 1/21/05: Tuesday night, I started having pain the back upper part of my mouth. Went to the dentist Wednesday morning, he thought it was a root canal. Went to the root canal guy Wednesday afternoon, he numbed it up. The pain didn’t go away. Went to an oral surgeon today, he took x-rays. Didn’t see anything. Maybe it is a bruised bone. Time to just sit and wait and see.

Update 2/9/05: After being in much pain from time to time through the last update. The really bad pain went away, but just kind of a dull ache. That is pretty much gone now. I gues that i really messed something up. I will be getting a helmet before the next time I go.

Update 4/24/05: Rusty eventually had dental work and is better now. Proving that I learned nothing from Rusty’s experience, I went skiing the next time and somehow (I have no memory of the fall from shortly before I creamed the snowboarder) landed on my head. Also messed up my right upper arm pretty badly. Now Rusty and I both wear helmets and wonder why we didn’t do this long ago. What were we thinking? Katy has worn a helmet for a long time. Helmets keep your ears nice and warm, too. – Elizabeth