

Well, we have had more snow recently than we have ever seen up here. Our deck has about 7 feet on it. We had about 5 feet in front of my garage door when we got here. We won’t be able to get into our front door until spring, there is about 10 feet of snow on that walkway. We expected that the first floor windows might be blocked by snow, but not the second floor.


U.S.S. Hornet


Sam and I went and stayed on the USS Hornet overnight again. Fun was had by all. We got to hear ghost stories. We had clean up duty after supper. We got to explore the ship as much as we wanted.


Paly Invitational


Katy had her first diving competition of the year. It was an invitational at Paly. She has been sick and hasn’t been diving for a little over a month, but she still managed to do better than she was last year. She did well, when she gets more back into the swing of things, she should be greatly improved this year.