Admin trip

Margaret’s Birthday Party

Margaret getting silly stringed

Margaret had a surprise party today for her birthday. I am not sure how surprised she was, but she seemed to be having a good time.


Katy’s Diving

Katy's Back Tuck

Grandma Pat and I went to see Katy dive today. She has come along pretty well. Here she is doing a back tuck off the 1 meter board. It looks like beginning in March, she is going to move up into “Level 5”. Basically, that means she will be officially in the diving program as opposed to just in the beginning to dive class.
Correction: Katy has told me she did a back dive tuck, not a back tuck dive.


Tour of California

Tour of California

Today, Evan and I went to stand out in the cold rain and hail and watch some skinny guys go by us quickly. The blurry guy in front in this picture is Levi Leipheimer. He will probably win the whole thing. The blurry guy in the back in this picture is Lance. I had never been to see a race at this level. It was interesting to see these people “pedaling in anger” even though it was such a miserable day today.

Admin Family trip

Margaret’s Birthday

Margaret's Birthday

Margaret turned 10 today. Double digits. With all that has been going on with us the last few weeks, it was nice to celebrate her birthday. She was at school and girl scouts most of the day and then went home with her grandparents for a sleep over, but the little we did see of her was nice.

Margaret trip

Van Meter Play

No pictures (yet), but today we went to see the Van Meter production of “Snow White and the 67 Little People”. Margaret has been working hard on crew the last few weeks, making sets and various other things. This afternoon was the last showing.