Admin Family Katy


We travelled back to Mississippi for turkey day again this year. It was great seeing my family. My cousin and uncle showed up. The kids had a great time playing with their cousins (we don’t get to do this enough). Caught up with old friends and all in all had a great time. I even was able to get the whole family groped by the TSA. Lots of the pictures are of my first cousin once removed, I let his mom borrow my camera and she got a lot of good shots.



They did it!! Our FLL team has just one the best project award at their first round FLL competition at Google. They invented a “Spider Cast”. It is a brace that allows you to walk without putting weight on your lower leg. They are moving on to the regional level competition on either 12/4 or 12/5. We’ll see where it goes from here. They are trying to improve for the next competition.