
One run too many?


On the last run of the day, I got going a little too fast and did a bit
of a face plant. It was a bit icy. Bruce says I was doing ok even
after my ski came off. I didn’t have a problem until I caught the toe
of my boot on the snow. Then I went right over.

Update 1/21/05: Tuesday night, I started having pain the back upper part of my mouth. Went to the dentist Wednesday morning, he thought it was a root canal. Went to the root canal guy Wednesday afternoon, he numbed it up. The pain didn’t go away. Went to an oral surgeon today, he took x-rays. Didn’t see anything. Maybe it is a bruised bone. Time to just sit and wait and see.

Update 2/9/05: After being in much pain from time to time through the last update. The really bad pain went away, but just kind of a dull ache. That is pretty much gone now. I gues that i really messed something up. I will be getting a helmet before the next time I go.

Update 4/24/05: Rusty eventually had dental work and is better now. Proving that I learned nothing from Rusty’s experience, I went skiing the next time and somehow (I have no memory of the fall from shortly before I creamed the snowboarder) landed on my head. Also messed up my right upper arm pretty badly. Now Rusty and I both wear helmets and wonder why we didn’t do this long ago. What were we thinking? Katy has worn a helmet for a long time. Helmets keep your ears nice and warm, too. – Elizabeth