Jesse’s Surgery

Just a quick note from my parent’s about my Dad’s upcoming surgery. I am going to Mississippi tomorrow to be there for it. I will post again when I know more.

We had our final consultation with doctors at the VA before the surgery which is scheduled for 25 Jan. The doctors estimate that their will be one or two days in intensive after the operation and then about a week in the hospital. We look forward to being able to get on with our traveling again. Our first trip outside of Mississippi will be to visit our grandchildren in Calif.
For those of you who do not know, Jesse’s bladder will be removed because of bladder cancer.

UPDATE 1/25 9pm CST: Just got back from the hospital. He was awake, still on the ventilator, and highly drugged but awake. The ventilator should be removed tomorrow.

UPDATE 1/26 10:45am CST: He is off the ventilator and awake and talking. Looking great. He will be ICU all weekend where he can get better care. We are all very relieved.

UPDATE 1/28 12:50pm CST: He is getting better each time we see him. He has been up and sitting in his chair. They are gradually getting various tubes and what-not disconnected from him.

UPDATE 1/29 11:00am CST: He has lots more tubes removed. The big one was the one through his nose into his stomach. He will be walking and moving upstairs to a regular room today.

UPDATE 1/29 6pm CST: All is well, he is in his regular hospital room

UPDATE 1/31 3pm CST: He is walking more, eating real food and doing very well. He is expecting to go home tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday at the latest.

UPDATE 2/1 6am CST: He is home and doing well.

0 replies on “Jesse’s Surgery”

Hello Rusty,
I am really glad to read the update and improvement in your father’s condition. We wish the best for Jesse and your family.

Warmest regards,

I feel so stupid not knowing about the surgery…I served with Jesse when he was a Captain with VMA 121, 1958-62 and have exchanged emails and notes over the past few years but unaware of his surgery. This is a guy with a great personality, outstanding Marine Corps officer and friend. My best wishes and prayers for his speedy recovery.
Bill, Manchester, New Hampshire.

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