

Katy's Tantrum

Katy needed to learn how to spell some of the states and the capitols. As you can see by the note above, it did not go particularly well. She spent a lot of time yelling at us, then when I went up to bed, she was lying in her bed whining. I ignored her until she went to sleep. When Elizabeth and I went into her room, we found a note on her whiteboard for us. She had fallen asleep with her whiteboard in bed with her. The text of the note is as follows:
Dear Mama and Daddy,

See! I don’t know how to spell Raleigh or Phoenix. I had to look these ones up! Don’t tell me I will never learn them, ‘case I will, without any of your support or help!

P.S. I hate you and will still be mad at you tommorro nor matter what you tell me. “People will like you alot better if you are nice” “I am going to have to kick you out of this family if you don’t start behaving,” “I am tiered of your attetude” because I don’t care. I Hate you, Katy.


Today (3/4), at Sam’s birthday party, she wrote both Raleigh and Pheonix (spelled correctly) on her art project and made a point of telling me that she did this.

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