
Broken Arm

Broken ARm

Margaret fell Sunday night while playing on the play structure in the back yard. We took her to urgent care. The doctor said it was probably not broken, or if it was, he would just maybe put it in a splint. We went to her regular doctor the next day, he sent us for a x-ray and pretty much told us the same thing. We went to an orthopedic doctor today (didn’t actually see the doctor). They put Margaret in a cast for 4 weeks. After that, she will be in a splint for another 4 weeks.

Margaret is very excited about it and has had all of her cousins and her brother, sister, Jenna and Mama sign it. She chose the color – it glows in the dark. When I decided to take a picture of Margaret with her cast, the rest of the children decided that they needed to be in the picture as well.

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