adventure Family Margaret trip


On Katy’s last full here before she went to college, we decided to go to one of her favorite places, the aquarium. Fun was had by all. We even got Pinkberry.

Family Margaret

Marin Headlands

We had a family outing to Marin. We tried to go to Muir Woods, but it was too hard, so we just wandered around Mill Valley and Sausolito for a little while, then went to Marin Headlands for some photo ops.

Family Margaret Pokie

Ellis Peak and the Backyard

We tried a hike that we had never done before. The hike to Ellis Peak. I am glad we did it, but probably will not do it again. The best part of the hike was just after the initial climb. We came to the top of an open ridge covered in flowers and had big views out over desolation wilderness. The views from the top of Ellis Peak were better, but it was a lot further to get to.

When we got back later that day, Margaret went into the back yard and took some pictures of a few of the flowers behind our house.

Family Margaret


We all went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. I did not realize how much Katy liked to watch the fishes. I think we could have left her alone in front of the large tank all day long. I am trying to revive taking the kids somewhere on most weekends. We live in such a great place, we should take advantage of it. Sam doesn’t remember doing a lot of really cool things we have done over the years.

Family Margaret

Maker Faire

We hadn’t been to Maker Faire in a few years. Seems like we hadn’t missed much. Still lots of good stuff there, but harder to find. Many more people than in the years past. We ended up getting tired pretty quickly so we didn’t stay too long. It has inspired Sam to design a 3-d Tardis. Once he gets it done, we will have to figure out how to print it. I am planning on making a geodesic dome as a family project (I just can’t get the family to agree).

Family Margaret


We went back to the exploratorium for the first time in a long time. It has moved since the last time we visited. This time we took George and Susan. George does some of these experiments for his students, just not with materials that can hold up to the abuse. We had fun, we joined for the year, so we will be back.

adventure Margaret trip

Point Lobos

In an attempt to see some of the country around where we live, I decided to take the family to Carmel-by-the-Sea and Point Lobos. Everyone complained about why would they want to spend a day with the entire family. Well, in the end, everyone had a great time and we got to see some beautiful parts of the country that are pretty near by. Margaret enjoyed it so much she made her Grandma Susan take her back to Carmel a few weeks later.

Margaret trip



Another year of FLL done. This year the team won the Teamwork award at the first FLL competition then moved on. Not much was done to improve after the first event, so no awards at the second event. This was the last year for much of the team that we started with. Here are pictures from the first competition (in 2012) and here are pictures of their robot.

adventure Margaret Rusty

Father Daughter Dance

Father Daughter Dance

Katy’s last father daughter dance at LGHS. This year the theme was Mardi Gras. I am pretty sure I was the only one there wearing a costume that was worn on a float in a parade at Mardi Gras. As usual, no dancing by me, but Katy had a good time.




Today, I got to ride on a zeppelin. My old company Unwired Planet (also, Openwave) got some of the original people at the company together to celebrate our invention of the wireless web.

The zeppelin was really cool, a lot like being in a boat, but 1000 ft or so above the ground. We flew over Stanford and parts of the Bay. All in all, it was a great trip.

There are full size images located here.